The Science of Well-Being UP024

In the spring of 2018, the Yale psychology professor Laurie Santos unveiled a new course, Psychology and the Good Life. The subject was happiness. Santos' course was a blend of abstract and concrete. It combined positive psychology with the real-life applications of behavioral science. It debunked popular notions of what makes people happy and helped students understand the habits they should build to lead truly happier, more fulfilled lives.

The course was launched in the US and the reaction was unprecedented. Psychology and the Good Life became the most popular class ever taught at Yale University's 317-year history and garnered national and international media attention. The university reportedly had trouble staffing it, pulling fellows from the School of Public Health and the Law School to meet the demands.

After waves of people asked for access to the course, Santos designed an iteration for the online learning platform Coursera, called The Science of Well-Being, available for free to non-Yale students.