Hunger by Tue Greenfort UP048

In 2009, artist Tue Greenfort created an intervention questioning the issues of access and rights to food, consumption, and industry in a sugar beet field.

Taking article 25 of the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a starting point and using seeds sowed by GPS-steered tractors, Greenfort mapped out the word HUNGER in the field - able to be seen both from on land and from the sky - asking us to consider the consequences of the systems that feed our global food consumption.

Environmentalist, artist, and activist Tue Greenfort’s interdisciplinary practice is both direct action and social critique. It has taken the form of traveling around Germany in a bus fueled by vegetable oil, taking pictures of the sun using a camera powered by photosynthesis-generated energy, and helping art institutions lower their energy costs. Influenced by the work of Dan Peterman, he believes art is an ethical place to enact recycling and to criticize corporate marketing practices.